Sisters of St. Ann of Providence
Province of Divine Providence
Southern India

Current Event
“A tree is known by its fruit” (Mt 12:33)
We know the fruit of this ancient plant: the Virgin Mary
who, having been preserved from sin since her conception, gave birth to Jesus, thus becoming the “living tabernacle” of the Son of God.
* Abandoned to the Father
* Imitation of the Son who offers His life
* Constant docility to the action of the Spirit
Experiencing the love of God, we the Sisters of St. Ann as instruments of Divine Providence bring hope to the little ones.
To glorify God as instruments of Providence through our educative service to the little ones and the poor of our times.

Provincial's Message
“Consecrated life means going to the very root of the love of Jesus Christ with an undivided
heart and putting nothing ahead of this love.” Pope Benedict XVI
Dearest Sisters,
All of us agree that community life is a challenge. Few years ago, I too found life very
challenging in a particular community and was struggling to cope with. God’s precious gift of
faith came to my rescue and so, I simply began repeating to myself in faith that God loves me,
God loves me and God loves me. Gradually I found myself becoming more and more assured,
positive, understanding and happier. One fine day, I was wondering to myself, why I am so
happy? The sisters around me are the same; the place is same; the job is the same; but they
don’t seem to be a burden to me or disturb my inner peace in any way. Now I could understand
them and feel one with each of them, if not all the time, but most of the time because of my
own inner awareness of God’s unconditional love for me.
In August, 2022 I had the privilege of teaching our tertians at Mangadu, a formal course
on mysticism. Then I was also spontaneously, encouraging them saying, “Immerse yourself in
the love of God by repeating in faith that God loves me.” Then I happened to read the writings
of Evelyn Underhill on Mysticism, wherein she had insightfully asserted that the first stage of
prayer life or spiritual life is the awareness of God’s love for us regardless of the difficulties of
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