Our identity
Our identity
We are in the Church consecrated women, called to be instruments of Providence to the poor and the little ones.
Our Founders, Carlo Tancredi and Giulia di Barolo, entrusted us to the Protection of St. Ann, Mother of the Virgin Mary, so that, like her, we may dedicate ourselves to the young generations.
Our spirituality is centred on the Trinitarian mystery, which is a mystery of Love for the salvation of mankind: “God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life” (Jn 3:16).

This mystery fills our life: we entrust ourselves totally to the Providence of the Father and animated by the Holy Spirit, we unite ourselves to the offering of the Son for the salvation of man. In this way through our life and actions we continue the mission of Jesus for the true happiness of our brethren.