Lay Associates of St.Ann

LASA family is

  • A group made up of lay people
  • Baptized men and women
  • Belonging to any social, economic and cultural category
  • Willing to share the Spirituality, Charism, and Mission of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Ann and become a part of one big family.

Histroy Of LASA

Starting the Lay associates of Saint Ann (LASA) was concretized during the XXXI General Chapter in 2002. It was initiated by our Former Mother Generals, Mother Franschescina,  thrust was given by Mother Ernestine Fernandes and further thrust and motivation provided by Mother Francesca and their teams.

    • In 2004, Sisters of St. Ann, in Latin American countries, invited the laity to share with them the spirituality of our Founders and their Charism as a legacy from the Founders.
    • In 2006, during the Bicentennial year of the Marriage of Carlo and Giulia, the General Council drafted the essential elements of the charismatic identity of the Lay Associates of Saint Ann; viz. Spiritual life, lifestyle, dimension of service and formative dimension.
    • Over the past years, the Sisters in Latin American Countries  Brazil, Mexico, Peru and Argentina  formed the “Lay Associates of Saint Ann” (LASA)
    • In the Philippines and in Cameroon, the LASA is growing stronger and steady.
    • In Italy, there isn’t a LASA group established formally; but through the educative mission, they are forming it gradually.

RELEVANCE OF LASA In The Indian Context

Though the Catholic population of India is insignificant when compared to the total population of India, we feel, a majority of the Catholics are practising their faith.

  • The Charismatic movement and Jesus youth ministry made many people: old and young to read and meditate the Word regularly and be faithful to the sacraments. Many experience  a longing to live the  baptismal consecration in the best way.
  • We share the Charism, Spirituality and Mission of the Congregation with the teachers and other Lay people with whom we associate.
  •  But we have only a few Catholic teachers in our Institutions who  are rendering their educative services.